The purpose for this blog is to get people, especially young people, to be good Bereans*and solders for Truth. As a young person myself, I have a burden to reach out to my fellow young people and help them see that: Time is so short, “We cannot afford to trust to the ministers, to follow idle traditions, to subject our souls to human authority, but we must know for ourselves what God has said. We are to be laborers together with God, and we must know, we must be determined to know, what are the conditions upon which we may become heirs of salvation. If we neglect this important duty, we shall die in our sins.” The Medical Missionary, May 1, 1892 par. 5
“The time has come when we must know for ourselves why we believe as we do. We must stand for God and for the truth, against a reckless, unbelieving generation.” Testimonies Volume 4 p. 596 par. 2. Now as never before we must study to show ourselves approved! I personally am tired of being here in this old world and I want to go home! But I DO NOT want to go alone! We have a message to preach to the world, but unless we have studied it for ourselves, to know for ourselves if it is truth, how do we expect that we will be able to stand before Kings and Rulers and be able to show what we believe and why we believe it?
On this Blog the desire is that you will open your Bible and study, with the aid of the Holy Spirit, to know for yourself what truth is. Time is short and we do not know when God will call upon us to share the truths of the Bible with others. Let us be prepared to clearly show them the truth.
“There are rich treasures for us in the mine of God's word, and we must dig deep for the precious jewels of truth. The rubbish of human opinion must be swept aside, that the clear jewels of truth may be brought to light; for we want the truth on every point, that we may be sanctified through the truth. The Bible is the garden of God, and here we must learn to gather the roses and the lilies and the pinks of God's promises. We must hang them as precious pictures upon the wall of memory, and have our eyes fixed upon the glorious things of God, so that we shall be able to go through the world and not dwell upon its corruptions, or be polluted by its wickedness.” Review and Herald, March 1, 1892 par. 12
“Like the noble Bereans we want to search the Scriptures daily with earnest prayer, to know what is truth, and then obey the truth at any cost to ourselves, without reference to prominent people or good people. If truth is in the Bible, we can find it there as well as the good and great ones of earth. God help us to be wise unto salvation is my prayer.” Christ Triumphant p. 78.5
Your Fellow Solder in Christ and searcher for truth,
Victoria Mandigo
*The Bereans were people that lived back in the time of the early Christian church. They were not content to just listen to what Paul and the other apostles preached, but they would open their Scriptures and search them to see if the apostles were speaking the truth. The Bible praised them this, “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These (Bereans) were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:10-11